Zelensky and Putin’s PR war


Due to Zelensky’s background, he is an expert at PR. His photos and video create the image he wants.


On February 23rd Zelensky made a speech in Russian to the Russian people trying to prevent the invasion.

What do you think he said?

How would you describe his appearance?

In his speech he said:

  • Many of you have visited Ukraine. Many of you have relatives here. Some might have studied at Ukrainian universities and befriended Ukrainians. You know our character, you know our people, and you know our principles

  • The truth is that this needs to end before it is too late. If Russia’s leadership does not want to meet us across the table for the sake of peace, perhaps it will sit at that table with you. Do you Russians want a war? I would very much like to know the answer, but that answer depends only on you, on the citizens of the Russian Federation

4 hours later Russia invaded his country


February 24th

He met Sean Penn who was filming a documentary in the country.

Why did he decide to do this during a war?


February 25th

Making a speech from Kyiv to the nation

What’s the difference between his appearance now and his TV speech on the 23rd?

The US offered to evacuate Zelensky. What do you think he said?


February 28th

Zelensky signs the application for Ukraine to join the EU

Why did he do this?

Why will the EU not let Ukraine join?


A country can only apply once it satisfies certain conditions:

  • having a free-market economy

  • stable democracy

  • accepting all EU laws and the euro

  • the government must follow the law

  • protection of minorities


Compare these 2 photos that were taken on the same day.

What image do you have of Zelensky and Putin?

Video from on the streets of Kyiv


What has Zelensky done before becoming President in 2019?


Putin is also a PR master. Russian media is only allowed to publish pictures of him he has approved

What image is he trying to create in these pictures?

Should Kishida release PR photos like this?

How would you feel if he did?


A hidden gem of a video

Would you like this man to be the Prime Minister of your country?


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