Robert Pattinson’s career

  1. Describe the character he plays

  2. Guess what the movie is about

  3. Do you think the film made a profit?



age: 18

What is happening in this scene?

How dooes the shorter boy feel about the taller boy?


What is he doing in this scene?


Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Global Box office: $897 million




What is he wearing? Where are they? Does he look strange to you?

What kind of fans did he have after this movie?


Twilight Series (4 films)

Global Box Office: $2.659 billion


Pattinson hated being in and making these films and often expressed his feelings in interviews.

Can you make his quotes sound more positive?

  • “It’s a weird story… it’s strange how people responded a lot to it”

  • “‘Twilight’ is about this guy, and he finds the one girl he wants to be with, and he also wants to eat her”

  • “I stopped mentally progressing around the time when I started doing those movies”

  • "You always get weirdos like Edward who seem to attract women for some reason. If Edward wasn’t a fictional character and you met him in reality he is like one of those guys who would probably be an axe murderer or something."


2008 - Little Ashes

What do you think this movie is about?


Biography of the young life of Salvador Dali. He was in love with his best friend in university but his friend wasn’t gay.

Budget: $2.9 million

Global Box Office: $767,000





A 28-year-old billionaire (Robert Pattinson) senses his empire collapsing around him as he takes a limo ride across Manhattan to get a haircut from his father's old barber.

Budget: $20.5 million


Global Box Office: $7 million



2014 - The Rover

Describe Robert’s character in this film

What do you think the movie is about?


Set in a post-apocalyptic world, a man hunts down the thieves who stole his car with the simple-minded brother who they left behind.

Budget: $12 million


Global Box Office: $2.5 million




Patterson wrote and directed this short for GQ magazine

He wrote the film in 15 minutes and shot it in an hour

What does the short film tell us about Patterson?




The Lighthouse

Pattinson is being trained as a lighthouse keeper. The location is really isolated and the sky is always dark and gray so the two men slowly go crazy


When Jennifer Lopez asked why he wanted to make the film what was Pattinson’s answer:

a) I get to have sex with a mermaid
b) I get to be constantly naked
c) I have a cool moustache
d) all of the above

Budget: $11 million


Global Box Office: $18 million




This is the story of a young Bruce Wayne who has only been Batman for a couple of years. He’s learning how to be a hero in a corrupt city

Budget: $200 million

Box Office: $771 million


Pattinson often lies in interviews because he feels his life is so boring and normal. Do you think these stories were true or did he lie?

  • Q: Do you have any memories from the circus?
    A: “The first time I went to see the circus, somebody died. One of the clowns died. His little car exploded. The joke car exploded on him.”

  • “I had a stalker while filming a movie in Spain last year. She stood outside my apartment every day for weeks - all day every day. I was so bored and lonely that I went out and had dinner with her. I just complained about everything in my life and she never came back.”

  • Q: Why were you expelled from your school?
    A: “I’ve never actually said this before. I was stealing porno magazines and selling them at school”

Can you suggest a better answer for an actor to give:


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Football’s response to Russia