Persuading people to get the vaccine

Match the country to the percentage of people who don’t want the vaccine

Japan - 6%

US - 11%

UK - 25%

Match the percentage to the most popular reasons people don’t want it in Japan:

"I don't think it will be that effective” - 7.7%

"I don't have time for the shots" - 8.8%

“I’m afraid of dangerous side effects” - 19.4%

"I don't think I'll get infected" - 73.9%


Answers: Japan: 11%, US: 25%, UK: 6%

"I don't think it will be that effective” 19.4%
"I don't have time for the shots," 8.8%
"I don't think I'll get infected," 7.7%.
“I’m afraid of dangerous side effects” 73.9%


Q: Do you think any of these campaigns will persuade people to get a vaccine?


Most states in the US are having Vaccine Lotteries. If you get a vaccine, you are automatically entered.

  • Maryland = $40,000 (everyday for 40 days)

  • Ohio = $1 million (5 lotteries)

  • Ohio (teenagers) = Full university scholarship (5 teens)


Krispy Kreme will give one free doughnut a day to customers (until the end of the year) who show proof they got a COVID vaccine.

How do you think people reacted to this campaign?

It created a war on Twitter! How did some doctor’s feel about this?

Some doctors complained about the campaign.
They said a doughnut a day would lead to an increase of 7kg by the end of the year. Also obese people have more dangerous symptoms when they catch corona.


Do you think Krispy Kreme’s campaign is terrible?

Of course, doughnut fans supported Krispy Kreme.

Then people started complaining about OBESE people because they are a PRIORITY for getting the vaccine. Do you think it’s fair they are a priority?

In 2020 Krispy Kreme gave away free doughnuts to “bring people joy” during the pandemic. How many doughnuts do you think they gave away?

They gave away over 30 million free doughnuts in the US. First to healthcare workers.

Later they did similar campaigns for seniors, recent graduates and teachers.

Q: Why did they choose these groups?

Update: At the end of August, 2021, Krispy Kreme announced it was changing (but not cancelling) it’s campaign. What do you think it changed?

They announced people could get 2 free doughnuts



These are Lucha Libre wrestlers. How are they encouraging people to get the vaccine?

Could Sumo wrestlers do this in Japan?


How do they enforce wearing masks?



Uber and Lyft, the ride sharing companies, are offering free rides for anyone going to a vaccine centre

Q: Why is this good for their business?



Budweiser said they would give a free beer to all adults in the US if the country hit the government’s 70% vaccination rate target by the 4th of July.

Q: Do you think the US hit it’s target?

Q: What’s the benefit of this campaign for Budweiser?

No it didn’t but people who were vaccinated got a free beer on the 4th of July
People had to register to Budweiser’s site (to prove your age) to get the beer



  • Free doughnuts:





A company publicly criticizes Japan’s vaccine rollout

