Lady Gaga's dog-walker shot and bulldogs stolen

That was the recent BBC headline (on February 25th)!

Start asking questions!


  • Where _ Lady Gaga?

  • Was the dogwalker _? = _ the _ die?

  • How _ _ _ bulldogs worth?

  • Who _ the dogs?

Q: Why do you think the bulldogs were stolen?

Extra information:

These French bulldogs are a rare breed and are worth about $10,000 each

One bulldog, the black one, managed to escape during the dogknapping.

Lady Gaga was in Rome filming a movie during the attack

The dog walker, Ryan Fisher, is Gaga’s friend

2 men jumped out of a white car. Fisher was shot once in the chest but didn’t die.

headline Feb 26th 2021:

“Lady Gaga's 2 dogs stolen: Pop star offers $500,000 reward for their safe return”

“The person walking the dogs was also shot”

Q: Are there any problems with the layout of the newspaper headline?

Q: Do you think offering a reward is a good idea?

Q: What future problems may this offer cause?

headline Feb 27th 2021:

“Lady Gaga's bulldogs returned unharmed after kidnapping”

“Dogs were dropped off at a police station in Los Angeles, while dog walker shot in the attack is recovering”

Ask some questions

  • Who _ _ dogs?

  • Where _ _ _ the dogs?

  • Is _ a suspect? (suspect = person police think may be a criminal)

  • Did Gaga _ _ money?


A woman returned the dogs to the police station. The police say she seems to be unconnected to the crime.

The person who returned the dogs, as well as the location where they were found, is to remain “confidential”, the force said, “due to active criminal investigation”.

A gossip website has said: The “2 French Bulldogs that were stolen this week were tied to a pole in an alley, miles from where they were dognapped”

Q: Do you think the woman is connected to the dognappers?

Q: What do you think the police are doing now?

Q: What do you think Lady Gaga is doing now?





A fishy story


Generation Alpha