Generation Alpha


Millennials: Born between 1981-1996 (also known as Gen Y)

Zoomers: Born between 1997-2012 (also known as Gen Z or Tiktok teens)

Generation Alpha: Born between 2010-2024 (name still undecided)

Demographers and experts have been predicting what the next generation (in the US) will be like.

Q: Do you think the same generation will have similar characteristics in your country?


Racially Diverse

  • Parents are more likely to be born overseas, an ethnic minority or mixed race

  • Among zoomers, white people are already the minority

Big income Gap

  • High income families have fewer kids and provide high quality education

  • Low income families have more kids

  • This generation is more likely to have 2 working parents.
    Q: How will this affect their childhood?

    • after school activities

    • emotionally - are they more independent or lonelier?

    • health - what kind of diet will they have?

Moving a lot

  • Gen Alpha are more likely to have lived in various places (due to their parents jobs).

Q: How will this affect them? Would you like to have experienced living in several places while growing up?

Generation Glass

2010 was chosen because the Ipad and instagram launched and “app” was the word of the year

Gen Alpha grew up using screens from their childhood. How will this affect kids?

  • digital literacy

  • attention span

  • gamification of learning




Lady Gaga's dog-walker shot and bulldogs stolen


Zoomers vs Millennials