A fishy story


This man was in the news in the US recently

What do you think his job is?

What kind of impression do you get from his picture?


This is Jason Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg (55)

He is the Attorney General (司法長官) of South Dakota

On the 12th of September 2020 he was driving home at around 10:30 pm and his car hit something on the highway.
He got out of his car, looked around, and couldn’t see anything.
Then he called the Police to tell them he had hit a deer on the highway that was in the middle of the road

The police check his blood and he wasn’t drinking. They didn’t find anything so Ravnsborg went home and slept. The next day he drove back to the same spot.

What do you think he found?


The dead body of a man, Joseph Boever, was found at the side of the highway.

He had been walking on the shoulder back to his truck that had broken down.

Boever was carrying a flashlight, that was on, at the time. Why do you think Ravnsborg didn’t see him?

Q: What do you think really happened that night?


Role play: You are a lawyer in court attacking Ravnsborg’s story.

  • If that’s true then why did / didn’t you_?

  • If that’s the case how come_?

  • How / why (on earth) did_?


Ravnsborg claims:

I put the phone down before the accident

I was driving in the middle of the road, not on the shoulder

I didn’t see the body of a man, I thought it was a deer

When I looked around my car, I didn’t see anything

Police findings:

His phone shows he opened a right wing news website 1 minute before the accident.

Tire prints show Ravnsborg was driving on the shoulder

Boever’s glasses were found inside Ravnsborg’s car

Boever was found 30 metres from the stopped car
The flashlight remained on in the grass less than 1 metre from the road.


Q: What has happened to Ravnsborg after the accident?

Ravnsborg is still working as Attorney General. The case is still being investigated (the accident occurred in Sep 2020)





reading news: https://jalopnik.com/south-dakota-ag-may-have-been-scrolling-through-radical-1846383300

video interview: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/south-dakota-jason-ravnsborg-crash-b1806918.html


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