Koike vs Renho

Do you think Koike is a good Tokyo governor?

What have her successes been?

  • rugby world cup

  • olympics

  • coronavirus policies

  • moving Tsukiji fish market to Toyosu

Do you know when the next Tokyo election is?

The election to decide Tokyo’s government is on July 7th. The main 2 candidates will be Renho and Koike.

What do you know about Renho? How do you feel about her?

age: 56

party: independent (was recently CDP)

backed by CDP (Constitutional Democratic Party) 立憲民主党 and Communist Party 日本共産党,

age: 71

party: independent

backed by the LDP (Liberal Democratic Party) 自由民主党


Which candidate used to be a newscaster?

Which candidate graduated from the University of Cairo?

Which candidate has a Taiwanese mother?

The English media calls Renho “combative” because she’s often “blunt”
She often bluntly attacks the LDP for wasting taxpayer money

combative = likes to fight or argue
blunt = speaks directly



Who do you agree with?

Koike started using projection mapping on the Tokyo Government building.
Renho said this is a waste of money.

Koike started a program to give all Tokyo residents under 18 ¥5000 a month.
Renho said Koike only did this to become popular before the election.

Renho is against building casinos in Japan.
Koike has not given an opinion on the issue (but she has allowed the licenses to be sold in Tokyo)

Koike wants to turn the old Tsukiji market into a new entertainment area which will include the Tokyo Giants’ new home stadium

… this area will include hotels, offices, apartments and a station for self-driving cars and flying cars

Koike plans to make high school free for all students, including paying for private schools. (an average of around 500,000 a year)

If the government is going to pay for private schools, why wouldn’t private schools just raise their prices even more?


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