Deutsche Bank “work from home” tax

From a BBC article:

Deutsche Bank Research suggests a tax of 5% of a worker's salary if workers choose to work from home when they are not forced to by the current pandemic.


Q: Why do you think they recommended this tax?


The tax would be paid for by employers and the income generated would be paid to people who cannot work from home… to help support workers whose jobs are under threat, a report has suggested.


Q: If we work from home, what can people save money on?


Q: What companies will lose business if everyone works from home?


Q: Do you think the “work from home tax” is a good idea?



Q: What are the upsides of working from home (for employees)?

  • save commuting time / costs

  • customize your schedule

  • can complete small weekend tasks

  • comfortable clothes

  • no office distractions

  • avoid crowds

  • more time with family / friends



Q: What are remote workers biggest difficulties?

(based on a survey of over 3500 remote workers)

  • being in a different timezone from teammates

  • collaboration and communication

  • distractions at home

  • finding wifi

  • loneliness

  • no gap between work and private life

  • staying motivated

  • taking vacations

  • other (5%)

answers at bottom of page

Q: Can you think of any other downsides?


  • many people have more meetings

  • hard to ask small questions / ask for help

  • interruptions from housemates / family

  • need to create a workspace in the house

  • buy work tools - laptop, office chair, monitor

  • if working in a cafe, you must buy several coffees a day

  • higher risk of depression or burnout


Q: What are the downsides of working from home (for employers)?

  • lack of teamwork

  • hard to create a common work culture and work ethics
    - do workers always agree or often disagree
    - level of honesty

  • hard to manage and check progress of workers

  • security concerns

  • hard to motivate workers

Based on a survey of over 3,500 remote workers

Based on a survey of over 3,500 remote workers





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