My 2020 News Quiz!

1) Can you put the top earning tennis players of 2020 in the correct order?

Naomi Osaka - Novak Djokovic - Rafael Nadal - Roger Federer - Serena Williams


2) Which famous soccer player died last year?
He scored his most famous goals (one with his hand) against which country?

3) What did Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announce last year?
Where did they go after leaving England?
How do they make money now?

4) Which movie won the academy award for best film in 2020?
What is the movie about?

5) What name did Trump NOT call the coronavirus?

a) China virus
b) Wuhan Flu
c) Kung Flu

6) Which country’s leader did NOT catch Coronavirus in 2020?

a) Brazil - Jair Bolsonaro
b) France - Emmanuel Macron
c) Italy - Giuseppe Conte
d) UK - Boris Johnson
e) US - Donald Trump

Which leader caught it first?


7) What company sent astronauts into space last year?
Before that, how did US astronauts go to the International Space Station?

hint: NASA stopped using rockets in 2011

8) Elon Musk and his girlfriend Grimes (a musician) named their baby: “X Æ A-12 Musk
How do you pronounce it?


9) What did China do in space for the first time in 2020?
China was the 2nd country to do what on the moon?

10) A court in Ireland said Subway’s sandwiches don’t legally use bread because they have too much sugar. Why is this bad for Subway?

11) Millions of Americans in 2020 were terrified because newspapers warned that “Japanese __” were found the US.

a) Yakuza Assassins
b) Murder Hornets
c) Poisonous Pufferfish


12) The head of Russia’s Women’s Union told President Putin to ban this ice cream. Why?

13) In December millions of Russians refused to take the Russian COVID19 vaccine because scientists told them people shouldn’t _ for 42 days.

a) exercise
b) drink alcohol
c) fly on a plane

14) During Spain’s lockdown you could only go outside to go to the supermarket, pharmacy or to walk your dog. Police got angry at people who tried to walk their pet…

a) goat
b) crab
c) chicken
d) all of the above





2) Diego Maradona - England, a church which now reportedly has 500,000 members

3) They were leaving the royal family.
Canada, then California
Netflix production deal, podcast with Spotify

4) Parasite (S. Korea), it’s about class and the income gap in Korean society. A poor young man starts tutoring the kids of a rich family.

5) Wuhan Flu

6) Italy’s PM didn’t catch it

Mar 27th - Boris Johnson (UK)
Jul 7th - Jair Bolsonaro (Brazil)
Oct 2nd - Donald Trump (US)
Dec 17th - Emmanuel Macron (France)

7) Space X (owned by Elon Musk) sent 2 Nasa astronauts to space. Before that they had to ride on Russian rockets

8) X-Ash-A-12.

9) They brought back rocks from the moon. It was the 3rd time they landed on the moon.
Plant their flag

10) They have to pay VAT of 9.2% on their bread. Subway’s bread is 10% sugar

11) Japanese murder hornets スズメ蜂

12) It’s called “Rainbow” and promotes “homosexual behaviour among minors”

13) drink alcohol (and smoke)

14) d


Who should get the vaccine first?


Deutsche Bank “work from home” tax