Surprises that await Japan in 2021

A writer for the Japan Times made his surprising predictions for Japan in 2021. All of them are bullish. Do you agree with him?


(100%) I’m sure_ = I’m certain_ = It will definitely happen
(75%) I bet_ = It will probably happen
(60%) I think = I’d say_
(55%) I guess_
(50%) It may/could happen = Perhaps_


1) More companies will build their Asian Headquarters in Japan in 2021

Q: Why do companies like building offices in Japan?

  • stable

  • infrastructure

  • quality of life

  • business friendly laws

  • access to Asia

  • labour force

Q: What are the downsides of doing business in Japan?

  • English

  • traditional business practices / customs

  • lack of young workers

  • corporate tax rate = 30%
    This is much higher than in Singapore, Hong Kong and other Asian business hubs

Q: Should Japan cut it’s corporate tax rate?

2) Flying cars for the Olympics

Watch for the governor of Tokyo and Toyota to announce a flying car shuttle service for the 2021 Olympians — for medal winners in particular
— Jesper Koll, Japan Times writer

People think Japan will SHOW OFF it’s advanced technology, like it did in the 1964 Olympics.
Q: What do you think they will show off?

  • robot godzilla

  • drones will deliver things from the sky

  • new version of robots - pepper / asimo / aibo

  • a hologram Gorilla will look like it destroys the stadium

  • new bullet train

  • a hologram Godzilla will look like it ate the Emperor


3) More companies will pay salaries based on merit and ability

To attract more younger workers, Toyota announced they would offer salary based on “talent rather than rank and tenure.”

Q: Will this be good for society / the economy?


4) Suga will build a stronger relationship with North Korea

Suga will offer Japanese companies build infrastructure in North Korea to improve relations and build his legacy


5) A Japanese bank will buy an American Bank

Japanese banks have been trying to enter the US market. If one acquisition happens, more may follow



6) Sani Brown will win gold in the 100m

He holds the Japanese 100m record at 9.97 seconds
Born: March 1999 in Kitakyushu
Japanese mother and Ghanaian father
Currently a student at the University of Florida




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