Who should get the vaccine first?

Do you know details of the vaccine plan in Japan?

The British government clearly announced who would get the coronavirus vaccine first:


Indonesia has a different plan.

They “will target younger working people aged 18 to 59.”

“President Joko Widodo, 59, was the first person in the country to receive the vaccine shot on Wednesday. Vice-President Ma'ruf Amin, 77, will not get the jab early as he is too old”.


Q: Why did Indonesia decide to target workers first?

  • They are more likely to catch and spread the virus

  • Indonesia has many 3 generation households

  • The government isn’t able to support people if they are sick / lose their jobs

Q: Do you think Indonesia’s plan is a good one?

In the UK there is strong support that teachers should be prioritized. Do you agree?

How about police officers and firefighters?

Should we make rich people pay 100,000 yen to get the vaccine first and use the money to help distribute the vaccine more quickly?

In the UK ethnic minorities are more likely to have serious symptoms or even die. Should they be prioritized over white people?

From BBC:

  • Black, and South Asian people (both men and women) are around twice as likely to die from coronavirus compared to white people

  • Asian people are 1.5 times more likely than white people to be infected

  • Black people are twice as likely as white people to catch the coronavirus

Q: Why do you think ethnic minorities in the UK are more likely to catch the virus?

  • household members

  • jobs


Should Olympics staff be prioritized?

How about fans with tickets?


Brazil recently announced that the vaccine they’ve bought from China is only 50% effective. Should we allow foreign visitors who have had the vaccine into Japan without quarantine?

Note: Brazil, Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia have bought the Chinese vaccine


Trump and NASA


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