Young people voting

In Japan the voter rate for teens was 31.33%. Is this higher or lower than you expected?

Do you think male or female teens vote more? Why?

answer: female turnout is slightly higher among teens (Male: 30.02%. Female: 32.75%.)

The voting rate for people under 30 is far below some other countries (like Sweden).

How can Japan increase the number of young voters in elections?

  • online voting

  • online campaigning

  • celebrity campaigns

  • get high school students to volunteer at polling stations

  • make everyone who doesn’t vote pay a fine (like in Australia - $55)


At the moment only Estonia allows fully online elections

In France, if you don’t live in the country, you can vote online. People living there can’t


Recently a campaign, with celebrities who are popular with young people, was launched. They all encouraged young people to vote

Can you match the names to the faces?

  • Sayaka Akimoto (former AKB member)

  • Tamae Ando (actress)

  • Kanna Hashimoto (actress)

  • Shizuka Ishibashi (actress)

  • KOM_I (singer)

  • Tomoya Maeno (actor)

  • Taiga Nakano (actor)

  • Fumi Nikaido (actress)

  • Shun Oguri (actor)

  • Rola (model)

  • Masaki Suda (actor)

  • Taka (musician, One OK rock)

  • Kenichi Takito (actor)

  • Ken Watanabe (actor)


Why do you think young people don’t vote so much?

Match the reasons why young Americans (under 30) didn’t vote to the percentage:






I forgot

Not interested

Too busy

Bad weather

I don’t like any candidates



Why do you think….

  • In the US, very few young people under 30’s vote compared to people over 60?

  • In Australia, the voting rate is almost equal?

  • In Brazil more people under 30 vote than people over 60?

2020 Data

In Brazil:

  • people 18-70 have to vote by law. There is a fine of about 60 cents if you don’t vote

  • however, proof of voting is sometimes required to apply for a job, get a passport, be accepted to university , get a loan, work for the government

  • 16 and 17 year olds can vote if they want to








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