Vaccine Passports (1).jpeg

Japan is struggling to persuade other countries to accept the Japanese vaccine passports. When Japanese travel to these countries, they won’t need to quarantine. (Italy, Turkey Hong Kong, Germany)

Q: Why are other countries hesitant to accept this?

Japan is making even Japanese travellers quarantine for 10 days (at home) when they return to Japan.


In October Japan started checking for “proof of vaccination” or negative COVID tests at some restaurants, sports stadiums and small music venues.

Why are some people against this plan?

In New York you also need to show your proof of vaccination to go to the gym and enter museums.

Should Japan do this too?



Proof of Vaccine Cards

Should the vaccine cards include a photo ID?

Is a paper card better or an app on your phone?

In the US many people are buying FAKE vaccine cards. Some volunteers even stole thousands of the cards from mass vaccination sites and sold them.

How can we stop this happening?

Should an app be made so companies can check the person really had the vaccine?



In the US many companies have announced that all employees HAVE TO get the vaccine or they won’t be allowed to come to the office anymore.

  • The Washington Post

  • Mcdonalds (head office only)

  • Microsoft

  • New York Times

  • Salesforce

  • Twitter

  • Walmart

  • All US government employees

  • Delta Airlines

  • Disney

  • Facebook

  • Ford

  • Goldman Sachs

  • Google

Do you want your company to require all employees get the vaccine?

How about the companies you often visit? - restaurants, gyms, schools



As of October 2021 half of the NBA teams require proof of vaccination or a recent negative test for fans to watch games. Only 4 American Football teams require this. Why are proof of vaccine requirements more common in the NBA?

The NBA requires all coaches and coaching staff get the vaccine

The NBA hasn’t forced players to get the vaccine but there are different rules for vaccinated and unvaccinated players.
(95% of players have been vaccinated, 99% of WNBA players)

Kyrie Irving - Brooklyn Nets star player refuses to get a vaccine

Kyrie Irving - Brooklyn Nets star player refuses to get a vaccine

What rules would you recommend for unvaccinated players?

  • PCR tests

  • team meals

  • quarantine

  • salary

Unvaccinated players:

  • Must take PCR tests on practice, travel and (several times on) game days

  • Can’t sit with the team during meals or in the locker rooms

  • Must quarantine for 2 weeks if they come into contact with someone who had coronavirus

  • Won’t be paid for any games they miss due to these new coronavirus measures



12 states (including Florida, Arizona and Texas) have BANNED companies from requiring proof of vaccines to enter or attend events. They will FINE companies that do this. Why have their governments done this?

Harry Styles may be fined because his fans needed vaccines to enter his concert in Florida

Harry Styles may be fined because his fans needed vaccines to enter his concert in Florida








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