What is this country called?

Which one of these pictures shows Turkey?

What do you know about Turkey (the country)?

Do you want to go there?

Can you describe these famous sightseeing spots:


Blue Mosque - construction completed in 1616

Pamukkale - Travertine (温泉華) Hot Springs

Hierapolios - ancient city with ampitheatre (next to Pamukkale)

Cappadochia -


Erdogan, Turkey’s President, has announced he wants to change the name of his country to “Turkia” in English.


He believes “Turkey” has a negative image in English

Please match the idiom to the meaning:

  • stop smoking / drinking completely

  • to talk directly / talk about the main business

  • a loser

  • a financial failure

The “Cat’s” movie was a Turkey

Let’s talk Turkey

Go cold turkey

He is a Turkey!


Can you guess the meaning of these idioms:

Christiano Ronaldo is no spring chicken (noun)

I wanted to chicken out when I tried bungy jumping (verb)

John’s handwriting looks like chicken scratch (noun)


Why did these countries change their names? (please match to the correct answer)

To remove the country’s connection to Marijuana

It sounded like a different country

For marketing reasons

Swaziland -> Eswatini (2018)

The Czech Republic -> Czechia (2016)

Holland -> Netherlands (2020)

Czechia is the official short name (like the UK). France’s official name is “The French Republic”

Eswatini was already the name in the local language


Would you prefer Japan to become Nippon or Nihon?

Why did Edo change it’s name to Tokyo?


Elon Musk and twitter


The ideal boyfriend in Japan