Elon Musk and twitter

What do you know about Elon Musk?

Elon Musk loves twitter!

Do you think Elon Musk has more or fewer twitter followers than…

  • BTS

  • Narendra Modi - Prime Minister of India

  • David Beckham

  • Barack Obama

  • The New York Times


1) Obama - 131 million
10) Musk - 82 million
11) Modi - 78 million
26) New York Times - 52 million
34) BTS - 45 million
Beckham doesn’t use twitter. He does use instagram
BTS is more popular on instagram (62 million followers)


Elon Musk has bought twitter. Let’s look at the timeline…

April 4th 2022:

Musk announces he has bought 9% of Twitter

This made Musk Twitter’s biggest shareholder

How much do you think he paid?

After he announced this news, how did people react? Why?

Musk paid almost $2.9 billion for his 9% stake
The stock rose by 29% on the day of his announcement


The next day he asked his followers: “Do you want an edit button?”
He, and many users want to be able to EDIT tweets they made. Why?

Twitter’s former CEO, Jack Dorsey, said in 2020 they will “probably never” add an edit button. Why?

Dorsey thinks people can change the meaning of their tweets if they become popular and many people have already commented on them.

Do you think twitter should add an edit button? (Instagram and facebook already have one)

April 5th 2022: 

Twitter’s CEO offers Musk a seat on the board… if he doesn’t buy more than 14.9% of the company

Musk initially accepted this offer, saying he was looking forward to working with the team “to make significant improvements to Twitter.”

April 9th 2022:

On the day Musk was supposed to join, he declined the offer

Why do you think Musk changed his mind?

Some people believe Musk wants to push more aggressively for changes which is easier if he isn’t on the board

April 14th 2022:

Musk tweeted: “I am offering to buy 100% of Twitter for $54.20 per share in cash, a 54% premium over the day before I began investing in Twitter and a 38% premium over the day before my investment was publicly announced.”

Musk also said this is his “best and final offer” and if it’s not accepted “I would need to reconsider my position as a shareholder.”

How do you feel about Musk’s negotiating strategy?

After his announcement, twitter’s stock price fell by 1.5%. Why?


Why do you think Musk wants to buy twitter?

Twitter doesn’t have as many users as instagram or tiktok but almost all journalists and politicians use twitter.

Having many followers on Twitter gives you power to…

  • influence opinions

  • create talking points

Donald Trump lost a lot of his power and influence when he was banned from Twitter and Facebook. Why do you think he was banned?

You can get banned from twitter for:

Musk often tweets controversial things and he is probably worried Twitter will ban him one day. He has publicly said:

“Twitter should match the laws of the country. If it’s a gray area, I would say let the tweet exist.”

Do you think Musk will let Trump rejoin twitter?


Musk also wants to make every user VERIFY their identity by sending a picture of their ID.

Why do you think he wants to do this?

Is it a good idea? How would Japanese users feel? What problems / risks would this create?

Musk probably things this will

  • stop people attacking each other so directly (with violent or racist language)

  • stop SPAM - companies that post annoying advertisements


  • Do you trust twitter to protect our personal information?

  • In countries with autocratic governments (Russia, Saudi Arabia). If you criticize the government, the government can easily find your identity and arrest you



Musk wants to create a paid service ($3 a month at the moment). If you pay for twitter, he thinks you shouldn’t see ads.

Do you think this is a good idea?


Musk often gets in trouble for his tweets. Why are these tweets stupid?

Am considering taking Tesla private at $420. Funding secured.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) August 7, 2018

420 is slang for using marijuana. He’s is joking.

  • Musk was later sued by JP Morgan for the stock price chaos that followed

  • The SEC (America’s financial regulator) fined Musk and Tesla $20 million each for misleading investors.

  • He also had to step down as chairman of Tesla

“Tesla stock price is too high imo”

Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 1, 2020

The price dropped by 10% ($14 billion) . Do you think he got in trouble from the SEC?

The SEC decided it was a personal opinion so he can’t be punished

The coronavirus panic is dumb

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk)March 6, 2020

Several times Musk has argued that coronavirus isn’t dangerous and has questioned if vaccines are necessary

When California closed his factory at the start of the pandemic, Musk tried to sue them

He opened his factory early, before the government allowed him to.

"Unless something changes to cause the birth rate to exceed the death rate, Japan will eventually cease to exist. This would be a great loss for the world."

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk)May 8, 2022

How do you feel about this tweet?

How do you think most people reacted?



Tesla doesn’t have a PR department. The company says to just check Elon Musk’s twitter account. Is this a good idea?

Some people believe that Musk bought twitter because they threatened to banned him for his coronavirus tweets. He bought a $44 billion company to protect his $1 trillion dollar company




  • https://www.digitaltrends.com/social-media/elon-must-twitter-take-over-chronological-timeline/

  • https://driving.ca/features/feature-story/top-5-dumbest-elon-musk-tweets

  • https://www.vox.com/recode/23025978/elon-musk-twitter-trump-free-speech-business-facebook-youtube

  • https://www.forbes.com/sites/joewalsh/2021/03/13/elon-musks-false-covid-predictions-a-timeline/?sh=707d06825b6d


What would you do?


What is this country called?