Cutting edge Robots
Astro - Amazon
What do you think Astro can do?
Amazon says:
It can use facial recognition to identify intruders
It will patrol your house and notify you of anything unusual
Do you see any bad points of Astro?
Do you think this will be popular?
Critics say:
It’s just a camera on wheels so Amazon can collect more data about your and sell you more stuff
Atlas - Boston Dynamics
What is the purpose of this Robot?
Funded by DARPA, part of the US Ministry of Defense, it’s main goal is for search and rescue tasks
Why is it better to use a robot instead of a human in some situations?
What tasks does it need to be able to do?
My favourite video of this Atlas:
Q: Do you think this company will be successful (=profitable) in the future?
In 2017 Softbank bought this company for an unknown amount.
Was this a good idea?
In June 2021 Softbank sold Boston Dynamics to Hyundai for $1 billion.
Why do you think they did this?
Was it a good idea?
Stuntronic Robot - Disney
In this video, are there any robots?
(watch from start, then skip to 58 seconds)
What does this robot do?
In what situations can Disney use this robot?
The stuntronic robot flies 20 metres into the air
At the moment it performs 6 tricks
Will be added to attractions in the US and Paris
Project Kiwi - Disney
Is this a robot or is this CG?
Why is Disney developing this?
So far he’s connected to 1 cable for programming and has a 45 minute battery life
Disney will be able to change the outer casing / skin to become other characters
The goal is to let him walk around the park
He can interact with humans and express emotions. If he asks you a question and you don’t respond, he becomes sad
Asimo - Honda
Asimo became famous for being the first walking robot
What future uses could Asimo have?
Honda stopped development of Asimo in 2018. Why do you think it was cancelled?
Battery Life
Fall down
Price = $2.5 million
Battery Life = 1 hour
It had limited movement and couldn’t get up if it fell down
Tiger X1 - Hyundai
Describe this robot.
What are it’s functions and uses?