Pokemon Go


What is Pokemon Go?

What are the goals?

Why was it so popular?

  • price

  • health

  • characters

  • difficulty

  • AR

How does it make money?

Players can buy items:

We can also get free items at Pokestops. Many of them are sponsored by companies.

Why do these companies pay to be in the game?



Part 2 - the DEEP DIVE


Niantic charges between $0.15-$0.5 per visit to a sponsored Pokestop and they strongly promote this service to companies:

Q: Why did they choose to promote these figures?



Match the annual player spending to the year:

$590 million

$830 million

$900 million

$1.3 billion

2016 (launch year)


2019 (before pandemic)

2020 (pandemic year)


65 million

153 million

166 million

232 million

Match the year to the number of users:

answers below…


users in millions

2016 - 232

2017 - 65

2019 - 153

2020 - 166



How do you think Niantic changed the game to respond to the pandemic?

  • public events

  • pokestop distance

  • number of pokemon in your house

Other changes:

  • you can buy remote raid passes - to join battles from home

  • a battle league was created - so you can battle other players from your house



Which country has the most pokemon go players?

answers below


Match the country to the total game revenue in the top 3 countries:

$1.5 billion (36%)

$1.3 billion (31%)

$240 million (6%)




Japan spends the most money per player. Why do you think so? Are people lazy to walk around?

Britain has a lot of players but they don’t spend much money. Why do you think so?

Why do you think Pokemon Go isn’t popular in China?

Total game revenue:

  1. U.S. - $1.5 billion

  2. Japan - $1.3 billion

  3. Germany - $239 million

China banned Pokemon Go in 2017. Why?

  • Pokemon Go uses google maps (google sites are often banned in China - after google refused to share user data and censor anti-China content)

  • China didn’t want a foreign company have geographical data of China

  • Tencent made a similar version of the game called “Let’s hunt monsters”




In 2019, Niantic held 77 live events in 32 countries. Why do cities like hosting these events?

Niantic said it drove more than $249 million in tourism revenue for the cities on its event list for 2019 - Visitors spent money on hotels, flights, restaurants and shopping



Which app do people spend the most time using on their iphones?

Facebook - Instagram - Pokemon Go - Twitter

Global data - iOS only


Are you surprised by the results?

Why do you think people spend more minutes per day on Facebook than Instagram?

  • messages

  • age

  • business



How many people do you think have died while playing or due to Pokemon Go?

According to a website that tracks news related to Pokemon Go:

  • 22 people have died

  • 61 have been serious injuries




Harry Potter: Wizards Unite

After Pokemon Go, Niantic announced their next game was a similar game but with Harry Potter characters.

  • The game followed a story.

  • Players used magic spells to battle enemies and collect magical creatures.

What are the advantages of each game?

Which game do you think will be more successful?


Harry Potter advantages:

  • less childish than Pokemon

  • newer game - it can add more advanced / fun features

  • the books and movies are probably more popular globally than Pokemon

Pokemon Go advantages:

  • characters are cuter

  • popular with gamers already

  • not scary

  • original AR game


Pokemon Go is still the only successful location based AR game

It was released in June 2019 and 1 year later had made $37 million. In the same period Pokemon Go made $1 billion



Harry Potter: Puzzles and Spells


In September 2020, Zynga, the makers of candy crush, released a Harry Potter game similar to Candy Crush

The difference is the game follows the stories of the movie. For example, if Harry fights a troll, that troll appears on your screen kicking jewels.

Do you think this was MORE or LESS popular than Niantic’s AR Harry Potter?

Puzzles and Spells overtook Wizard’s Unite’s revenue in just 4 months ($37.4 million). It was much more successful than Niantic’s game.


  • https://venturebeat.com/2020/01/22/niantic-drove-249-million-in-tourism-revenue-with-its-walking-events-in-2019/

  • https://sensortower.com/blog/pokemon-go-five-billion-revenue

  • https://www.polygon.com/pokemon-go/2020/7/24/21337512/pokemon-go-fest-changes-pandemic-niantic-interview

  • https://financesonline.com/pokemon-go-statistics/


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