Super Bowl Ads 2024


The super bowl is the most watch TV program in the US every year. This year companies paid $7 million for a 30 second commercial… a new record.

Why do companies make commercials? (3 goals)

  1. increase sales

  2. increase brand awareness

  3. improve brand image


  1. Tell me the story of the commercial

  2. Do you think it’s a good ad?


Dinamita Chips

Dina and Mita are 2 old ladies shopping with their granddaughter and grand-daughter


put on their glasses

mobility scooter = electric 4 wheel bike for seniors or people with disabilities

crash into a car = hit it fast

slip on a toy car = your foot slides and you fall down (e.g. on wet floor)

slide down a rope



Kawasaki Ridge

The Kawasaki Ridge is a UTV designed for going off road and carrying passengers or goods

UTV = Utility Task Vehicle

This hairstyle is called a mullet

mullet = “muh-lit” = short hair at the front and long hair at the back

In your mind what type of person usually has a mullet?

In the 80’s mullets were very popular on stylish men (including many Hollywood actors). These days it’s usually rednecks or sports stars who have them.

redneck (-) (slang) = working class person from the countryside in the US

Fans say: “Business in the front, party in the back”


In this commercial, when the ridge drives past people, they suddenly grow mullets.

Why? What is the message or who is the target of this ad?



Dunkin Doughnuts

Ben Affleck loves Dunkin Doughnuts. There are many paparazzi photos of him carrying Dunkin doughnuts or their coffee

His wife, Jennifer Lopez, is making her new album and Ben Affleck comes into the studio recommending a song she can use.

He’s with Tom Brady, a famous football player and Matt Damon, his best friend.



Google Frame

capture a memory / daily life = record it (e.g. take a photo)

The image is blurry = not clear



Popeye’s chicken

This man was frozen in 1972. He wanted to be defrosted only when chicken wings were more delicious.

He asked: “What else has changed since I was frozen?”

If you from 20 years ago traveled to 2024, what technology would you be most surprised by?




UFO’s visit earth but no one noticed them because everyone just stares at their phone. The aliens hacked people’s phones to announce their arrival

slogan: “A website makes it real … square space”


CES 2024


April Fools Pranks 2024