April Fools Pranks 2024


On April 1st people can play pranks on each other

tell a lie = speaking only, usually (-)

play a prank = action or lie to trick someone (usually to be funny)

These are some stories from April 1st. Do you think they are true or pranks?

  • I’m sure = I’m certain = It’s definitely

  • It’s probably = I bet

  • I’d say = I think

  • I guess

  • It may be = Perhaps = It could be


A Duke (M) or Duchess (F) is a noble position in the UK just below Prince or Princess. They are always in charge of a certain area.


Prince William = Duke of York

Prince Harry = Duke of Sussex

  • I’m sick of_ = I hate it (because it happened too many times already)
    E.g. I’m sick of cleaning my kids dirty socks every night

  • squabbleskwah-bull” = argue / fight

  • throne = King or Queen’s special chair

What do you know about William and Harry’s relationship?

What are you sick of?

Do you think it’s OK for the newspaper to make jokes about the Royal Family?



Apple Macbook

12 inch Liquid Retina Display
available in 5 colors

How do you think people reacted to this announcement?



LG invisible TV

  • 77 inch TV

  • Price unannounced (predicted over $5000)


Why do people want invisible TV’s?

Would you want this?

Do you think it could be successful?




A video game billionaire, Lin Qi, loved a popular sci-fi book called “3 Body Problem.
He dreamed of sharing it with the world so he paid millions to get the rights. He sold it to Netflix and Zu Yao was hired as a lawyer on the project.

Zu was demoted for his bad performance so became furious and wanted revenge. He rented a lab and practiced poisoning animals.

Later he poisoned his replacement and Lin Qi.

sci-fisai fai” = science fiction
demoted = move down a position in the company
promoted <-> demoted


“3 Body Problem” is about scientists who discover aliens on another planet and decide to send them a message.

The show also criticizes the Chinese government’s actions during the Cultural Revolution (文化大革命) (1966-76)

How does the Chinese government feel about this show?

China didn’t censor the show. The current government disagrees with the Cultural Revolution’s policies (like fighting science). Most of the characters are Chinese heroes who are being patriotic and the main villain is American

The publishers already censored some scenes to avoid being banned by the government

ban = it’s not allowed at all
censored = only one part is removed (one word, bad language, violence or sex scenes)

Why do you think these things are censored in China?

  • pictures of Winnie the Pooh on Social Media (since 2017)

  • time travel in books and movies (since 2013)

  • Brad Pitt (1997-2016)

  • Biohazard (since 2021, video game about killing zombies)

  • Big Bang Theory (a US sitcom that was extremely popular in China until 2014)

  • Christmas Parties in all schools and some regions (since 2018)


Time travel - may change or disrespect Chinese history
Biohazard - all violent video games have been banned
Big Bang Theory - didn’t want American culture and lifestyles to be popular. The university culture was very different. Maybe they didn’t want geek culture to become popular
Christmas Parties - China doesn’t want any other religious ceremonies



Singapore KFC

“We put the ORgans in YakitORi”

Gizzard = すなぎも

Would this be popular in Japan?


Evri roller skating courier

courier = “kur-ree-er
= delivery man / company

Evri is a British delivery company that many customers complain about (for their slow service)

They announced some delivery people will wear skates to speed up deliveries

Could this speed up deliveries? Why or why not?



Elon Musk

Elon Musk announced he’ll become Disney’s Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer

Woke (slang)= aware of discrimination (差別)

Progressive people (しんぽてき) use it as a positive word
Conservative people (ほしゅてき) use it as a negative word

What do you know about Elon Musk?



The Switch will become VR in the future

Do you think this tech will be possible in the future?





What do you think this is?



Pay for an armrest

Jetstar, an LCC, announced: “Are you tired of fighting for an armrest? Now you can reserve your armrest for only $2”

Do you think airlines might do this in the future?



Super Bowl Ads 2024

