
Tokyo recently had a snowy day!

How did it affect you?

What’s the most fun you’ve had in snow?

In your childhood, what activities did you do on a snowy day?

  • build a snowman

  • have a snowball fight

  • through snowballs at a target

  • go sledding

  • build a snow fort

sled (noun) = thing you sit on a ride down snow. verb = go sledding

fort = army base

Have you ever, or do you know someone who has slipped on snow?

How many people in Tokyo went to hospital this week due to snow injuries?

Over 130 people in (between 4 and 92) Tokyo went to hospital after slipping on the snow.
50 were injured in Saitama

What essential items should we have to enjoy a snowday?

Snow Boots

Snow Grips

Ski / snowboard gloves



From the newspaper:

“According to JR East, six express trains were stuck at stations for over 10 hours overnight, forcing over 1,600 passengers to spend the night onboard.”

What can we do to avoid this problem in the future?


Japanese buzzwords of 2023


Big Fish