Scarlett Johansson sues Disney


Scarlett Johansson is suing Disney because they released “Black Widow” in theaters and online at the same time.

In her contract, Johansson gets $20 million and a percentage of the film’s box office.

Disney responded saying Johansson didn’t care about the effects of the pandemic.

Johansson's lawsuit, argues that Disney used Black Widow to boost Disney+ subscriber numbers

Q: Who do you support in the lawsuit?

Some people in the media and on twitter have supported Disney and criticized Johansson. People who are high risk or with health issues want to see the movie at home and can’t go to a crowded cinema.

Q: If Disney really cares about people’s health, why didn’t they just release it online?

Q: Who do you think will win the lawsuit?


  • Johansson tried to renegotiate her contract but Disney ignored her

  • Warner Bros reportedly paid millions to the star and director of the latest Wonder Woman to avoid a public dispute



Johnny Depp sued a tabloid

May 2016

  • Amber Heard filed for divorce from Johnny Depp

  • She got a temporary restraining order against him after claiming Depp had physically abused usually after having too much drugs or alcohol

April 2018

  • The Sun tabloid published an article calling Johnny Depp a “wife beater”

June 2018

  • Johnny Depp sues News Group (the Sun’s owners)

  • Amber Heard starts dating Elon Musk (a billionaire) so Depp’s fans accuse her of only wanting money

Q: Do you think Johnny Depp could win the case?

Q: What evidence did Amber Heard need to show to prove he beat her?

Q: What evidence did Depp need to show to prove he didn’t?


Heard showed the court:

  • photos of her bruises

  • witness accounts (from her assistant and sister) of Depp hitting and throwing things at Heard and breaking furniture

  • text messages from Depp that threatened her

Depp showed the court:

  • character accounts from his ex-girlfriends (they said he was never violent to them)

  • Audio recordings where Heard said she had hit Depp and that he hit her

  • Witness accounts (from Depp’s bodyguard) of Heard throwing things at Depp


November 2020

  • The judge decides that Depp did assault his wife on 14 occasions in Los Angeles, Tokyo, Australia, and other locations

  • Depp had to pay News Group $841,733 to cover legal costs


Rihanna sued Topshop

Rihanna sued the fast fashion brand, Top Shop for $5 million because they sold t-shirts with her photo on it without her permission.

Q: Do you think she can win?


In the UK (unlike the US) celebrities don’t control their image rights. Any company can sell products with your picture on it unless the picture is copyrighted or trademarked

The picture was taken by an independent photographer who licensed the use of the image to Topshop.

Q: Do you think Rihanna can win?

In 2015 Rihanna won the lawsuit because the photo was similar to one on her CD. Customers may think they had an official partnership


  • Rihanna is friends with the Topshop owner and his daughter (Phillip and Chloe Greene)

  • Rihanna is sponsored by River Island, a Topship rival.







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