New Olympic Events


Every Olympics some new events are added.

Why are new olympic sports added each time?


  • local fans

  • target audience

  • sponsors

For example Golf and Rugby were new olympic events in 2016. Why?

What new events would you like to see join the Olympics?

5 new events will be held in Tokyo. Some sports that applied but weren’t chosen were:

  • American football

  • billiards

  • bowling

  • chess

  • squash

  • sumo

Do you think any of these should be included in future olympics? Why or why not?

New events at Tokyo Olympics:

Q: Why were these sports chosen?

Q: Will they be popular at the Tokyo Olympics?


3 of the youngest athletes at the Tokyo Olympics:

  • Hend Zaza - Syria - 1st January 2009

  • Sky Brown - Britain - 12th July 2008

  • Kokona Hiraki - Japan - 26 August 2008

What events are they competing in?

Table Tennis, Skateboard, Skateboard

Q: Do you think Esports will become an Olympic event in the future?




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