Gakki Shock
On the day that Yui Aragaki and Gen Hoshino announced their wedding, a student told me about "ガッキー・ショック” Do you know what it is?
“「ガッキー・ショック」は発生するのか? 恐怖する一部投資家”
= Will a Gakki shock occur? Some investors are scared.
Q: Do you think the events are CONNECTED or is it a COINCIDENCE?
Is this enough evidence?
2015 - Maki Horikita
2016 - Keiko Kitagawa
2020 - Satomi Ishihara
Aaron Ramsey Curse
In 2012 many people started to believe in the Aaron Ramsey Curse. Whenever Aaron Ramsey scored a goal, a famous celebrity died a few days later
Alan Rickman - Actor (Harry Potter, Die Hard)
Robin Williams - Actor/Comedian
David Bowie - Singer
Paul Walker - Actor (Fast and Furious)
Whitney Houston - Singer
Steve Jobs - Apple founder
Osama Bin Laden - Terrorist
Muammar Gaddafi - Libyan President/Dictator
Q: Do you think the curse is real?
In his Arsenal career only about 25% of his goals were connected to celebrity deaths