Tokyo’s first Drive in Haunted House



全てのパフォーマンスを車外で行うため、キャストとの接触は0。 更にはスタッフが公演終了後に車をアルコール消毒いたします!

Safe and secure! Coronavirus measures

The whole performance is (conducted) outside the car so there is zero physical contact (with customers). What’s more, after the performance staff will sterilize your car ( = wipe your car with disinfectant alcohol)


希望者にはあなたの車を血まみれにいたします。 イベント終了後に記念撮影も可能!更にスタッフが車の血を拭き取ります


Bloodstain option

For those interested, we can wipe bloodstains on your car. After the event you can get a photo to remember your experience. Of course our staff will wipe off the blood (after the performance)

※ All the blood can’t be wiped from the car but the car will be clean enough for driving on roads



The performance is sold out. You can enter the lucky draw for cancelled tickets and receive the latest information about performances by completing the form on this page.

  • 追加公演のスケジュールは、進展があり次第記載いたします。

  • アトラクション所要時間:約20分

  • The performance schedule is in development and will be announced soon

  • Attraction (performance) length: around 20 minutes



  • 参加料金 : お車一台 8000円

  • 血まみれオプション: +1000円

  • 記念撮影とデータ送付:+1500円



  • 参加料金 : 1グループ(4名まで) 9000円


Fee (Price)

Your own car (private automobile)

  • 8000円 per car

  • Bloodstain option: +1000円

  • Souvenir photo (print and digital): +1500円

    ※ The digital photo will be sent to you in the future with a special frame

Borrowing a car on-site

  • 1 group up to 4 people: 9000円

    the car rental fee is included

  • お車で参加される場合は参加者様本人がお車を所有していなければなりません。


  • 参加車種:軽自動車を推奨。中型車、大型車、ワゴン車は原則不可。詳細はQ&A参照

  • The driver of the car must be the owner.

    Banned vehicles: taxis, cars not owned by the attendee

  • Recommended vehicles: Light Motor Vehicles (Kei cars). Medium and large cars, station wagons are generally not allowed. For details, refer to the Q&A



Our cancellation policy is as follows. Deposits won't be refunded. Please be aware of this before purchasing tickets. A full refund will only be given in the event of the company being unable to prepare for the event due to unforeseen troubles

What kind of company is Kowagarasetai?



怖がらせ隊は「どんな空間にも最恐のお化け屋敷、ホラーイベントを創る」をモットーに活動している お化け屋敷・ホラーイベント 制作会社です。

Need help with creating a haunted house?

We can make the scariest haunted house a reality. Kowagarestai is a haunted house and horror event production company with the motto "We can create the most terrifying haunted house and horror event in any space".

What kind of services do you think the company will provide?

What kind of businesses will hire them?

What kind of people like attending these events?

I’ve been told that many women like to go on a date with a NEW boyfriend to a Haunted house. They want to TEST the new boyfriend.

What kind of things should the guy do and not do?


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