How to avoid bears

There have been a few bear attacks in Japan in the summer of 2020.

Q: How many bear attacks were there in Japan in 2019?


Q: Why do bears attack people?

  • to get your food

  • to protect their cubs

  • they feel threatened (or surprised)

Answer: 157 people were attacked in Japan in 2019

Q: If we go camping, what should we do to avoid bears?

bear bell - food in container - bear spray

  • Bring a bear bell. Most bears will be scared away by loud noises

  • Keep your food in airtight containers. Bears can open normal Tupperware so twist caps are better

  • Bring bear spray. The smell hurts their noses so they will run away. Keep it in your tent when you sleep

  • You can hang food from a tree. It should be at least 4 meters above the ground and not close to the trunk of the tree.

  • Sleep at least 100 meters from your food and from your cooking area. It’s also best to sleep

Q: Why do many campers not hang their food?

  • It’s very difficult and time-consuming to do it correctly

  • Some areas don’t have trees with strong branches

  • If the bear climbs on the branch it may break

  • Bears can chew through your rope


Q: What should we do if we meet a bear while hiking?

  • If the bear doesn’t notice you, you should just walk away slowly

  • If the bear does notice you, don’t run away. A bear may mistake you for food and chase you. Bears are much faster than humans. Don’t make eye contact. It’s best to back away slowly. Some people recommend talking in a calm voice to show them you are human and not food.

Q: What should we do if the bear attacks us?

  • You should play dead. Lie on the ground face down. Put your hands behind your neck and back to protect them. Keep on your backpack. It may protect you.

  • The bear may try to roll you over. If it does, roll 360 degrees back on to your front.

Remember, 90% of bear attacks are on one or 2 people. If you’re in a group, you will most likely be safe!


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