How to persuade a 5 year old to study

Do you recommend using the carrot or the stick?

  • Carrot: bribe them with a snack or video games

  • Stick: threaten them with no tv, chocolate or video games

Child experts have a variety of recommendations. Do you agree with all of them? Why or why not?

  1. Sit with the child and make it fun

  2. Don’t look at your phone

  3. Be on his side. Say things like “I know this is hard/boring but_”

  4. Ask what he did in class or learned in school everyday

  5. Create a schedule (e.g. 1. finish this episode of Doraemon, 2. study for 20 minutes, 3. eat a snack)

  6. Remove distractions (e.g. turn off the TV)

  7. Praise them (“Great job!”) instead of lecturing them (“Don’t do that”)

  8. Praise them instead of rewarding or bribing them

  9. Make reading a regular habit

  10. Give them new and exciting stationary

  11. Do the easiest part first

  12. Do the hardest part first

  13. Ignore the child if they whine

  14. Teach your child how to study




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