
I was recommended a new Korean Drama on Netflix. It’s called ヒップタッチの女王

What does that mean in English?

ヒップ (Japanese) = Bum = おしり
Hip = the sides next to the bum

So in English the title would be: “Bum Touch Queen

What do you think the story is about?


It's about a vet that suddenly gets the power to read animals’ memories when she touches your bum.

vet = animal doctor

Later she learns it works on humans too. She uses the powers to help a police detective solve crimes!

Do you want to watch this show?




This indie has won many awards for the actor and director.

What do you think it’s about?

What are truffles (トリュフ)? Where do we find them?

It’s very difficult to grow truffles on farms so people usually use dogs or pigs who can smell them in forests. This pig is a truffle pig

Nicholas Cage lives alone in the woods and sells truffles to a food supplier. One day his pig is kidnapped and he has to find the kidnappers.


Do you want to watch this?

Budget: $3 million ($1 million was Cage’s salary)

Do you think this was financially successful?


It only made $3.8 million at the box office BUT the reviews were so good Cage could ask for higher salaries on future movies.


Cocaine Bear

In cinema’s now…

What do you think this is about?


This is a horror comedy about a bear that eats some cocaine and becomes crazy. It starts killing many people.

A school trip who went camping, the police investigating the killings and the drug dealers looking for their missing drugs all need to avoid the crazy bear.



It’s inspired by a true story from 1985.

A drug smuggler’s plane was overloaded so he dropped some bags of cocaine into a forest. A bear found the bags, ate the cocaine and died.


Budget: $35 million

Do you think this was financially successful?


It made $87 million globally



Did you ever watch a movie or TV show because it had an interesting title?

Were you disappointed or satisfied when you watched it?



I was really excited to watch “Cowboys and Aliens(2011) just because it had an exciting title. What kind of movie do you think this is?

I love cowboys and aliens! It starred James Bond and Han Solo! I was sure it would be a huge hit!

Budget: $163 million

Do you think this was a hit or a bomb?

This was a bomb! It only made $174 million globally.

Reviews said:

  • “It has a fun title but the story is too serious”

  • “The characters are 1 dimensional

    • The character is 1 dimensional = they only have 1 interesting point


The Sphere


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