Bucket List

The Bucket List" is a 2007 film.

What do you think it’s about?

Kick the bucket = to pass away = die

Bucket List = is the list of things you want to do before you kick the bucket

In the film the 2 men meet in hospital because they both have cancer. Jack Nicholson is really rich so he wants to try completing things on his bucket list. He offers to pay for Morgan Freeman’s if he wants to join him.

What do they do together?

40% of Americans have a bucket list but 56% of them say they can’t complete items due to the high costs.

Do you have a bucket list? What items are on it?

My friend is planning to run a marathon and learn to play the piano before he turns 40. Would you like to do those?

What do you think is on my bucket list?

  • places to visit

  • skills to learn

  • accomplishments


Do you think I have completed these items on my list?
If I haven’t, should I still try to complete them?

  • Sky Dive

  • Go to Macchu Picchu

  • Get a Scuba Diving License

  • Shark Cage diving

  • Go to antarctica

  • Learn to play some songs on the piano, guitar or ukelele

  • Bungy Jump

  • Write a novel

  • Go on Safari in Africa

  • Drop in a half pipe

  • Run a Marathon

  • Jump out of a helicopter with a snowboard


Are any of these on your bucket list?

What else is on your bucket list?



A survey was conducted in the US to learn about Americans travel bucket list items.

survey = アンケート
conduct = do (e.g. conduct research)

1) What is the country famous for? (“_ is famous for _”)

2) Which would you prefer to visit?

3) Which of these countries do you think Americans want to visit more?

France vs Egypt

Greece vs Ireland

Australia vs the UK

Japan vs Italy

Japan vs the UK



1) Which would you prefer to visit?

2) Which of these cities do you think Americans want to visit more?

San Francisco vs Boston

Los Angeles vs New York

Las Vegas vs Honolulu

New York vs Honolulu





1) Australia
2) Italy
3) Ireland
4) Japan
5) the United Kingdom
6) France
7) Greece
8) the Bahamas
9) Egypt
10) Germany

Cities in the US:

1) Honolulu
2) New York
3) Las Vegas
4) Anchorage
5) San Francisco
6) Los Angeles
7) New Orleans
8) Seattle
9) Austin
10) Boston



  • https://bucketlistjourney.net/my-bucket-list/

  • https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/nation-now/2017/05/15/these-top-10-bucket-list-items-singles-lists/319931001/

  • https://www.coventrydirect.com/blog/bucket-lists-survey/






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