European Vacation


Cologne, Germany


A Cathedral is a large church. A church is run by a priest but a Cathedral has a bishop

Bishop = area manager of priests

Have you ever been inside a gorgeous church or cathedral? How did you feel when you were inside?


Where are they?



The Hague, Netherlands

Can you describe these places?

When someone in the Netherlands wants to renovate their house they must ask permission from their neighbors. The next door neighbor wants to build a 3rd floor on top of their house. Would you allow it?




What is this place?

What is strange about the 2nd picture?

In England we call these “model villages.” They are popular in the countryside. Do they have them in Japan?


Escher Museum

M.C. Escher (1898-1972) is a Dutch artist who is famous for his unique perspectives.

Can you describe his art?


Museum 1 was a chocolate museum
Museum 2 was a modern art musuem
Can you guess what kind of museum number 3 was?


We went to the National Video Game museum. It has 4 floors of classic video games you can play



Leiden, Netherlands

For 15,000 yen can rent a boat for 2 hours and explore canals

Do you think people need a license?

How long is the lesson?

Would you like to try this?

The most difficult part is parking and reading the map



De Haar Castle

The original castle was built in the 14th century. It was later rebuilt and completed in 1912.

The rich Dutch family that owns it had many parties and invited many famous guests to stay.

Some famous guests include… Coco Chanel, Gregory Peck, Roger Moore, Yves Saint Laurent, Joan Collins, and Brigitte Bardot.



This is the entrance to Efteling.

What is it?


Efteling is the biggest theme park in the Netherlands. It’s theme is “fairy tales” and European fairy takes are quite scary compared to American or Disney stories.

It’s a lot more affordable and much less crowded than Disneyland!


Isle of Wight, England


Germany Quiz


Current global economy