Germany Quiz


I went to Germany for the first time this summer.

Do you know any famous Germans?

Many Germans are upset that many people say “Hitler is the most famous German”

A recent survey found:

1) Albert Einstein
2) Adolf Hitler
3) Ludwig van Beethoven
4) Martin Luther
5) Angela Merkel
6) Johann Sebastian Bach
7) Karl Marx
8) Immanuel Kant
9) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
10) Johannes Gutenberg

Do you what any of them are famous for?



Match the country to the population:





The Netherlands

The UK

million (people)







How many people moved to Germany in 2023?

a) 15,400
b) 154,000
c) 1,540,000

In 2023 1,545,000 people moved to Germany. 1/3 were students
In 2022, 2.7 million people immigrated to Germany. 1.1 million were from which country?

German growth rate

Germany accepted 1.1 million refugees from Ukraine when the war started.
They also accepted over 1 million refugees from Syria in 2014/2015

Why do you think they accepted so many refugees?

In 2023 Japan accepted 303 refugees. The highest in their history.

What countries were they from?

1) Afghanistan (237)

2) Myanmar (27)

3) Ethiopia (6)

The US left Afghanistan and the Taliban took control. People who were helping Japanese companies in the area before that, were allowed to move here.

Japan accepted 644 Ukrainians in the same year but they weren’t classified as refugees.


Do you know any famous food or drink from Germany?

Match the types of each that Germany has:



bread (excluding pastries)





What does Japan have many types of?

udon? shochu? manjuu?



600 bread, 1500 sausage, 5000 beer

In a popular WW2 action movie, a British spy was in a German bar. When he ordered 3 beers everyone knew he wasn’t German.

If you want to order 1 beer in Germany, you show your thumb. For 2 beers you show your first finger and thumb



Germany is the 2nd largest beer consumer (total amount) in Europe. Which European country drinks more beer?

In the world, which country drinks the most beer?

What ranking is Japan in global beer consumption?

consumption (noun - business word) = use / eat a product

In Europe, Russia is number 1. China is number 1 globally. Japan was 10th in 2022.

In the UK, US and Japan young people are drinking much less beer than older generations.
What should beer companies do to protect their businesses?

The Autobahn

What is famous about “The Autobahn,” the German highway system?

65% of the highways in Germany have no speed limit. Why?

Germany sells around 6 million cars a year and many people think the German car companies lobby the government to make sure there’s no speed limit so their cars are more popular.
What German car companies do you know?

Would you like to drive on the Autobahn?

Do you think no speed limits are a good idea?

Environmental groups in Germany hope to add a speed limit because driving at such fast speeds is bad for the environment…

In Japan what is the most common taxi maker?

In Germany what is the most common taxi maker?

In Germany many taxis are Mercedes. This model is seen as reliable and low maintenance.

In Japan Toyota is chosen for the same reason


How to improve football…


European Vacation