Dublin - New York Portal

On May 8th a live stream art piece launched in New York and Dublin. The portal lets people of the 2 cities see and interact with each other live (but without sound)

Do you think this is a good idea?

What do you think people did?

  • it became popular on social media

  • waving

  • performing traditional dances

  • showing off local culture and food

  • couples or families could see each other live

Would you like Tokyo to have one? Which city should it connect to?

Do you think there would be any problems with this art piece?

Which city’s residents behaved more badly?

Generally the Irish side had worse behaviour…

  • flashing chests (both)

  • mooning = showing your bum (usually Ireland)

  • someone showed a swastika picture (the Nazi symbol)

  • someone showed pictures of the twin towers burning


Do you still think Tokyo should start a portal with a different city? Which city do you think would have the best behaved people?


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