Common misconceptions of Japan

misconception = an incorrect view or opinion of something


Japanese people often ask me questions about England based on misconceptions

Example: “Do all students go to school in a castle like in Harry Potter?”

Did you think something about the UK that you learned was wrong?

example answer: “I heard/read _ but actually_”

Common questions

  • Why do people always carry an umbrella?

  • Do you know anyone in the Royal Family?

  • English people often eat fish and chips, right?

  • Do people have afternoon tea everyday?

  • In your high school did you all learn the same dance to perform together (like in movies)?

  • All English people love football, right?

strongly disagree:

  • That’s ridiculous / rubbish / nonsense

  • What are you talking about?

softly disagree:

  • That’s partially true

  • Well yes and no

  • That’s not always true

  • Where did you hear that? (surprised tone)

correcting phrases:

  • Actually_ = The truth is

Do you agree with the following common beliefs of Japan….?


Japan is a very technologically advanced country

It’s harder to make friends with Japanese people

Japanese people don’t use or understand sarcasm

sarcasm = humour style. You say the opposite thing to what you mean.

  • If someone makes a mistake, you say: “You’re so clever!”

  • “Oh. It’s raining again? Well… I love rainy days.”

British people are often sarcastic. Americans might tell the same joke but say: “just kidding” at the end.

Japan is very expensive

Japanese fashion is crazy and over the top


There are many cosplayers in Japan

Japanese cities are always crowded

Tokyo is not Japan

(the real Japan is outside Tokyo)

Japan is like China or Korea

Japanese people slurp their noodles loudly

slurp (verb) = make a loud noise when sucking in a drink or noodles

Kids are taught that it’s rude to do this in English speaking countries. We should eat food quietly as possible

Japanese game shows are weird and dangerous.

In Japan, when workers go on strike they work twice as hard to overload production

(This is a common belief in Spanish speaking countries)



Common misconceptions of the US:

Americans love guns = actually 3% of Americans own 50% of the guns.








locked out


Japanese buzzwords of 2023