Coronavirus questions answered by the New York Times

(March 3rd 2020) The New York Times answered common questions on the Coronavirus.


  1. If I cross paths with a sick person, will I get sick too? (e.g. the person is in a crowded supermarket with me)

  2. What 5 main factors can increase your chance of catching the virus?

  3. What is a safe distance? = How close is too close?

  4. How long is too long?

  5. Can I tell if someone is sick?

  6. Can the virus remain on a bus pole, touch screen or table?

  7. Can I remove the virus from surfaces?

  8. Can I get sick from packages sent from China?

  9. Do I need to use a good brand of soap?

  10. Can I get it from making out with someone?

  11. Can I catch it if I eat where a sick person was?

  12. Can my pet catch the virus? Can it join me in quarantine?

  1. Possibly. 4 factors must be considered.

  2. 5 factors:

    1) How close are you?

    2) How long are you near the person?

    3) Did the person cough, sneeze or breathe on you?

    4) Did you touch your face?

    5) How healthy are you?

  3. The WHO recommends 3 metres

  4. So far we don’t know

  5. No. A person can be contagious before they show symptoms.

    Also most symptoms are mild like having a cold or the flu

    Some people don’t show any symptoms

  6. Yes. It’s been found on all these places and restroom faucets and door handles.

    Other coronaviruses have been found to remain on surfaces for between 2 hours to 9 days

  7. Yes. A simple disinfectant (alcohol wipes) can kill the virus

  8. No. The delivery time is usually too long and during the flight it will be kept at a temperature that’s too cold for most viruses.

  9. No. Any brand is fine.

  10. Yes.

  11. Yes. It’s best to avoid buffets but if you heat or reheat food, that will kill the virus

  12. So far it hasn’t been seen to spread to animals. It should be fine.


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