World Cup Emotions
If you do a TOEFL or TOEIC speaking test, you should try to use high level vocabulary to get a higher score.
“He is sad / happy / angry” = Beginner’s answer … you’ll get a low score for it
Can you think of higher level words for:
sad = blue / down / disappointed / gutted (slang for “disappointed”)
very sad = depressed
happy = cheerful / delighted / glad
very happy = overjoyed / ecstatic / on cloud nine / over the moon
slightly happy = pleased / satisfied
angry = mad / cross
slightly angry = annoyed / irritated / ticked off
very angry = furious / seeing red / fuming
excited = thrilled / exhilarated / on the edge of my seat
Let’s also use SPECULATING phrases: (avoid “maybe” and “I think”)
I’m sure/certain
He’s probably = I bet
I’d say = He seems
I guess = I assume
Perhaps = He could/may be
Example: “He seems annoyed. It’s probably because he was fouled”
Kai Havertz won “Man of the Match” when Germany beat Costa Rica 4-2. How does he feel?
Q: How should he feel?
A: He should feel …
How do these gentlemen feel?
As an Englishman, I feel schadenfreude when I see this picture.
schadenfreude “sha-den-froy-duh” = feel happy because someone else is unhappy (advanced word)
This is at a fan park in Wales. How does the crowd feel?
One person has a different emotion from the others. How does she feel?
Why do you think they have different emotions?
Aboubakar plays for Cameroon. How does he feel in the first picture? Why do you think he’s shirtless?
How do he and the referee feel in the 2nd picture?
What do you think they are saying to each other?
How does Aboubakar feel in the 3rd picture?
How do these two feel?
Why are they doing this?
What is happening in this picture?
How do each of the teams feel?
How would you feel if Japanese players celebrated like the Argentinians?
How do the fans feel?
How do the police officers feel?
Do you think the fans should be celebrating here?
Xhaka vs Serbia:
Japan fans in Shibuya: