The US military needs you

In 2022 the US military missed it’s recruitment target by 25%

Now only 9% of Americans are interested in joining the military. It’s a historic low.

How does the military find recruits?

Why do people want to join the military?


The military says:

  • We will pay for your university so you won’t be in debt when you leave and you can get a better job in the future

  • Most military jobs aren’t in the combat field

The military has a 16 member e-sports team that enters competitions. They visit schools, colleges and gaming conventions and stream themselves playing 5 days a week. Can this attract new recruits?


In the US, are people more or less likely to join the military if they

  • live near a military base?

  • have a parent in the military?

  • are working class, middle class or upper class?

In 2018, these are the areas where new recruits came from.

What do you notice about the map?

Most recruits come from the South. Now almost all the military bases in northern US states have closed. Why?



  • People who live near bases sign up more. It seems a normal career option to them

  • 30% of recruits have a parent who was in the military. 70% have a family member who was in the military

  • middle and working class recruits are similar in number. It’s rare for people with upper class backgrounds to join



Let’s look at why the US is having trouble recruiting people…


Is the unemployment rate in the US high or low? What does this mean for companies?

  • salaries

  • signing on bonuses

Social factors

The US army says only 23% of young people between 16 and 21 meet the necessary standards. Why are the rest disqualified?

  • weight

  • criminal records

  • covid vaccine

You need to be vaccinated for corona to join. What percentage of Americans, 18-24 have been vaccinated?


How has coronavirus affected the recruiters?

You need to pass tests to enter the military. How have test scores been affected?

How has coronavirus affected young people who may want to join the military?

  • Over 1/3 of Americans (18-24) haven’t been vaccinated. The unvaccinated are more likely to be male and from the South

  • Recruiters weren’t able to meet people face to face during the pandemic.

  • Young people had to study online so test scores fell

  • Many young Americans who couldn’t have a normal life in high school because of the pandemic find it difficult to make decisions about their future



After the first Top Gun (1986) was released do you think more or fewer Americans wanted to join the military?

After 9/11 do you think more or fewer Americans wanted to join the military?

After Russia attacked Ukraine, do you think more or fewer Americans wanted to join the military?



  • The US military set up recruitment stations outside theatres during the first Top Gun’s release and the recruitment rate rose by 500%

  • Military recruitment rose by 8% after 9/11. 181,500 Americans signed up in the year after the World Trade Center attacks

  • After the start of the Ukraine war we don’t know what the recruitment impact will be. The US wasn’t attacked so it will probably not affect most Americans.



Is the SDF in Japan having trouble finding new recuits? Why?

What should do they do to increase their recruiting?


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