Tax (税)


In 2023 the Kanji of the year was “zei” meaning “tax.” Why?

This year there was high inflation in Japan so the government was debating if they should reduce or raise some taxes.

Do you think taxes should be raised or lowered? If so, what type?



Japan is considering changing the “tax-free system” for tourists. Now at many stores tourists can show their passports and purchase the product without paying tax.

Japan is considering changing the system so you have to get back all your tax at the airport. This system is common in some foreign countries (like the UK).

As a tourist, which system do you prefer?

Why do you think Japan wants to change the system?

The new laws would only go into effect in 2025 if they are approved

In 2022

  • 1,838 people each spent between 10 million and 100 million yen

  • 374 people spent more than 100 million yen each

  • Actually the average amount among top spenders was 450 million yen per person!

What do you think they bought?

Customs officials inspected 57 of the 374 big spenders. Only one person was confirmed to have taken the duty-free items out of Japan. Officials suspect the rest were resold in Japan.





war, battle, struggle

struggle (verb) = try to do something that’s very difficult


  • “I struggle to remember Kanji”

  • “In the winter many people struggle to get out of bed”

Why was this chosen?

  • Ukraine

  • Winter Olympics

  • cost of living

What did you struggle to do?




money, gold

Why was this chosen?

  • Olympics

  • cash handouts

In 2021 the government…

  • gave 30,000 yen to everyone with a My Number card

  • Everyone under 19 got 100,000 yen

Do you think this was a good plan to boost the economy?

When everyone received 100,000 yen the previous year most people saved the money instead of spending it


Japan’s 2024


English Buzzwords 2023