Surviving Hay Fever


Do you get hay fever?

What are the symptoms of hay fever?

What percentage of people in Japan are allergic to pollen?


Can you guess what are Japanese people allergic to? (2019)

  • pollen

  • dust / mites

  • pet fur

  • no allergy


Are you surprised by this data?


Can you recommend ways for me to avoid pollen?


I was recommended to do these things. Do you agree with the advice?

  • Eat yogurt

  • Take medicine (daily pills)

  • Eat wasabi or spicy food

  • Avoid spicy food

Yoghurt is good for our digestion and strengthen’s our immunity.

digestion = food passes into your stomach 消化 (しょうか)
immunity = a body’s power to fight viruses 免疫 (めんえき)

Spicy food and wasabi will clear your sinuses

sinus = 副鼻腔 (ふくびこう) = passage from your nose into your head

Spicy food is bad for your digestion so your symptoms may be worse


I was recently recommended this medicine.

What is かんぽう?

Do you think this will be effective?




BBC: “Japan was the future but it's stuck in the past”