Super bowl Ads 2023


What is the Super Bowl?

Why do companies make commercials?

  1. increase brand awareness

  2. improve the brand image

  3. increase sales

Please describe the story of these ads.

Do you think these ads are good?




creepy = it makes us feel scared, scary

kidnap = steal a person

drag = pull something heavy (so it’s still touching the floor

What do you think Tubi is?

(go) down the rabbit hole= get into an unexpected or chaotic situation

E.g. “When I first met my wedding planner, we went down the rabbit hole”

Where do you think this idiom started?

These days we often use this idiom when we spend too much time on the internet (wikipedia, youtube, google)

Have you been down a rabbit hole before?




kennel = dog house

How do you feel at the end of this commercial?



Tubi (again)

What do viewers think while they’re watching this ad?




This ad stars a famous flag football player. What do you think “Flag football” is?

The NFL sponsors the AFFL (American Flag Football League) which has a men’s and women’s league.

  • “You’re so elusive” = (adj) able to escape, avoid things

  • People try to grab / take / steal her flag

  • avoid someone = don’t let someone come near you / speak to you

  • dodge = quickly avoid

  • parking attendant = person who works in a carpark

Why did the NFL choose to show this ad?




Describe the unique points of this jeep

Who is the target?

Do you think this will be popular (in the US or Japan)?


meerkat = Timon from Lion King ミーアキャット
dolphin = イルカ
parrot = colourful large bird
lizard = トカゲ
elephant seal = ゾウアザラシ

What is the message of this ad?



Farmer’s Dog

What do you think the product is?


This is a new service that delivers customized pet food to your door.

Do you think this will be a successful business (in the US and in Japan)?

How do you think dog owners felt when they saw this commercial?

Twitter responses:

  • Omg am i the only one crying at that Farmer’s Dog commercial!!! That was so sweet. 😭

  • the Farmer’s Dog commercial has been over for a few minutes now but I’m still thinking about it and trying not to cry so I guess they win most effective ad even if it was emotionally manipulative.

This was voted the best ad of the superbowl. It was a big success for a new company that many people haven’t heard of


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