Nord Stream Pipeline

Nord Stream 1 is a gas pipeline that directly links Europe and Russia. It was completed in 2011 and Europeans were happy to get a stable supply of gas.

In 2014 Russia attacked Ukraine and annexed Crimea but European countries controversially announced the construction of Nord Stream 2 in 2015.

In 2021 construction was completed but European countries now saw Russia as an enemy and they couldn’t agree if they should import more gas from Russia.

On February 22nd 2021, Germany decided to suspend giving the company it’s necessary licence. 2 days later Russia attacked Ukraine (for the 2nd time).

Europe responded by imposing strict sanctions on Russia.

impose sanctions = a penalty for breaking the law

June 2021 = Russia cuts the gas supply by 50%
August 2021 = Russia turns off the pipeline

What was the impact of Russia turning off the pipeline?


In September 2022 several leaks appeared in the Nord Stream Pipelines. Underwater explosions were detected in the area so it’s clear the pipe was sabotaged

Q: What does "サボタージュ or サボる mean?

sabotage (verb) = destroy or damage something for your advantage

Japanese サボる means:skip class” or “play hooky


There are several suspects.

suspect (noun) = person who may have committed a crime

1) Russia

Why would Russia attack their own pipeline?

Why is it unlikely?

For: The initial suspect was Russia. They could claim: “We are under attack by terrorists so our war is justified!”

claim = say something but it may not be true (no evidence)
= it’s right/fair for us to do it

Against: Russia wouldn’t want to damage their own pipeline that they made. It was a source of income and a way to control Europe who are dependent on their gas

2) USA

2 weeks before Russia invaded Ukraine Biden said to the media: “If Russia invades, then there will no longer be a Nord Stream 2. We’ll bring an end to it…. I promise you we’ll be able to do it.”

In February 2022 an American journalist wrote an article claiming the US sabotaged the pipeline. He only had one anonymous source so most people didn’t believe him.

anonymous = we don’t know who it is

Why would the US sabotage Nord Stream?

Why would it be dangerous for the US to sabotage Nord Stream?

For: Some people believe the US would sabotage Nord Stream to stop Russia having power over European countries.
Against: The pipeline had already been turned off so there was no benefit for the US
European countries would be angry at the US

3) Ukraine … or …

4) a Pro-Ukrainian Group

The New York Times, and German media have reported that a pro-Ukranian group (probably Ukrainian) sabotaged the pipleline. There is no evidence of a connection between the group and the US

The reports say 5 men and one woman rented a yacht and planted explosives underwater in early September. It’s like a story from a spy movie.

Do you think the Ukraine government or an independent group could have done this?

5) Russia - but they want people to think Ukraine did it

It’s possible that Russia sabotaged the pipeline but planted evidence so it looks like a Ukrainian group did it.

plant evidence = put fake evidence at a crime scene

Why would Russia do this?

Final points:

  • The Ukranian government has officially denied any connection to the sabotage.

  • Russian media mainly blames the US

  • Some people believe Western media is not connecting the Ukrainian government to the attacks so the European public won’t get angry at Ukraine for the higher energy prices they’ll need to pay…

  • One German newspaper claims Russia was conducting military drills in the area one week before the attacks so they could have planted the bombs then

Final Question:

Who do you think is responsible for the attacks?








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