Jubilee Symbols

Recently the UK celebrated Queen Elizabeth’s PLATINUM JUBILEE

  • How many years do you think she has been Queen for?

  • How old is she now?

  • How long do you think the jubilee lasted?

  • Is that too long?

  • Would you like Japan to hold jubilees for your Emperor?


One night there was a drone show that showed SYMBOLS of the Queen in the sky.

What symbols of the Queen do you think the drones made?


In the Parade there were double decker buses with famous people (sports stars, actors, models, famous chefs and comedians) from each decade on the roof of each bus.

If Japan had buses like this for a parade which celebrities would you put in the buses for the:

  • 2010’s

  • 2000’s

  • 1990’s


Please describe the introduction to one of the concerts:

Do you think that’s the real Queen?

I think if Japan’s Emperor had green tea with Doraemon, it would make him much more popular! Do you agree?


living together


Nissan Sakura