Japanese fish in the news


What is this story about?


Japantoday article:

China bans all Japanese seafood imports after Fukushima water release

How do you feel about eating Japanese seafood?


Do you think other countries will also ban seafood from Japan?

The Korean government supported Japan’s plan but many people held a protest against Japan’s policy.

Korea has had a long lasting ban against seafood from Fukushima… but not from other areas in Japan.
Hong Kong and Macau also banned Japanese seafood imports… but they are controlled by China.



BBC headline:

The fishy business of China's outrage over Japan's release

fishy (adj) = suspicious

outrage (noun) = anger

Why does the article think China’s actions are fishy?

From the article:

  • China’s claim is not backed by science - most experts believe the release isn’t a risk to ocean life or seafood consumption

  • Japan made a release plan that most scientists, the U.N. and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) supported

claim = (verb/noun) = to say something that might not be true (no evidence)
e.g. “Donald Trump claims he is innocent”

backed by _ = supported by _

consumption = (business word) eating / drinking / buying / using

Yomiuri headline:

Chinese Nuclear plants Releasing Water Containing Tritium at Levels 6.5 Times Higher than Planned Fukushima Discharge

tritium = 三重水素

discharge (formal) = release



Why do you think China has banned Japanese seafood?

  1. Many experts believe it’s a reaction to Japan moving closer to the US and taking stances against China

  2. The Chinese economy is terrible at the moment so China wants people to focus on an outside enemy so they don’t focus on the poor governmental policies

Do you know any reasons for China’s economic crisis?

  • The real estate and construction market is in crisis.

  • China had long lockdowns during the pandemic - many factories and companies stopped operations

  • Exports overseas are down because labour costs in China are rising and many company moved factories overseas. They feel the risk is too high in China if the government locks down again or if they attack Taiwan

  • This summer many areas had droughts and floods

  • The one child policy has created an aging society WORSE than Japan’s. It ended in 2015 but most families can’t afford more than 1 child



NHK headline:

Japan studying steps to aid fishing industry after China's import ban

aid (verb) = help

ban (verb/noun) = to not allow something (e.g. Marijuana is banned in Japan)

Should the Japanese government help the fishing industry? If so, how?


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