Japan news Sep 2024


What recent news have you been interested in?

Israel pager bombs
China starts buying Japanese seafood
Rice Prices Rise

Next Prime Minister
Next US President


A recent NHK headline said:

Over 9,700 foreign technical interns in Japan vanished last year

What do you think this article is about?

Japanese government data shows more than 9,700 foreign workers vanished from their employers under the technical intern training program last year, reaching a record high. This represented about one in every 50 of such people.

What countries do you think the interns were from?
What industries do they work in?


Construction 47.1%,
Agriculture 8.6%
Manufacturing 8.5%


1) Vietnam: 5,481
2) Myanmar: 1,765
3) China: 816
4) Cambodia: 694

The largest members of the program are Vietnamese, Indonesians and Filipinos.

Why do you think the interns disappeared?


Experts say many interns decided they had no choice but to vanish after having problems at their workplace. The present program doesn’t allow interns to move to another employer, except in special circumstances (violence, harassment, committing crimes)

Some interns complained about

  • no overtime pay

  • illegally low wages

  • violence from employers

  • no chance to work while looking for a new employer

How do you feel about this news?

The government is considering some changes. Do you think they are good ideas?

  • allowing interns to change company after 1 year … but only if they pass tests for technical skills and Japanese

  • allowing interns to find a part-time job (up to 28 hours a week) to make money while finding a new technical intern job

Now interns need to pass Japanese tests to get promotions are their companies but they must study in their own time with no support from employers. Should companies be providing more support?

Some LDP members don’t want to change the rules say it will make it easier for people to leave jobs in the countryside and move to the city



If you were swimming in the ocean and saw a dolphin nearby, what would you do?



In Wakasa Bay, about 200 miles west of Tokyo, dolphin attacks have injured at least 47 people since 2022.

Many of them suffered minor bites on their hands, but a few were rushed to hospitals with broken bones or wounds that needed stitches.

wound (verb/noun) = “wound
= cut

stitch(es) (noun) = sew the skin to heal a cut

Ryoichi Matsubara, the director of Echizen Matsushima Aquarium in Fukui, said that the photos and videos he reviewed of some of the 2022 and 2023 attacks appeared to show the same male Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin.

What should be done to protect swimmers?

Should the local government…

  • install underwater devices which plays a loud noise that dolphins can’t stand?

  • put up signs and hand out flyers to warn people?

  • set limited swimming hours at beaches so people can only swim when there’s a lifeguard?

  • try to kill the dolphin?

device = machine


coffee attack


How to improve football…