Apple Accessories


Do you know any sales techniques to explain products to customers?

1) rule of 3 - use 3 adjectives or list 3 functions “On our phone you can read newspapers, watch movies and check SNS”
2) “It’s lightweight so you can bring it anywhere”
3) only use positive adjectives

Do you know positive words for:

  • cheap

  • expensive

  • light

  • heavy

  • old

  • old-fashioned

  • affordable / reasonable / low cost

  • high-end / luxury / premium

  • lightweight

  • sturdy / well-built (= heavy/big and won’t break)

  • traditional

  • classic / historical / retro

  • cheap

  • expensive

  • light

  • heavy

  • old-fashioned

  • old


Apple Airpods - 20,000 yen

Recently I bought these and I love them.

If you were a salesperson, how would you sell them to a customer?

Do you want to buy these? Why or why not?


Apple has also released Airpods Pro.

As a salesperson, can you describe the differences between them?


Airpods Pro

40,000 yen

Battery: 5 hours

Noise cancelling



20,000 yen

Battery: 5 hours


Which would you recommend I buy?



Apple Airtag - 16,000 yen for 4

What do you think this is?

The battery lasts a year. It will tell your iphone when you need to change the battery.


Can you translate this for me?




If you can’t find your keys in your house, you can make the airtag beep to help you find them.

Would you buy this?

Do you think these are popular?



Apple AirTags are in the news almost every week!

Many people believe they can be used to stalk people. What should apple do to prevent this?

Your iphone will notify you if an air tag that is not yours has been close to you for a long time. If you don’t use an iphone, you won’t get this notification.

Air tags will randomly beep to show their location if they are too far from their owner.

Do you think airtags are dangerous?

People who have parents with dementia are buying air tags. Why?

You can put airtags in a wallet or on keys. Dementia patients often forget their phone but often have their wallet or keys on them.


People are putting air tags in their suitcases when they fly. Why?

If their luggage gets lost, they can locate it easily.

However… Lufthansa and Air New Zealand recently BANNED airtags saying they must be switched off on flights. Why?

Officially, they say they are worried about batteries catching on fire.

Watches use the same batteries so most people believe passengers were demanding staff look for their luggage which caused more delays for the airline. The airline would rather lose your luggage so the flight can arrive on time


Can you think of any other uses for AirTags?

Is this a good way to attach it to your bicycle?



Apple Music

Apple Musicは配信楽曲数が9,000万曲以上と豊富で、邦楽も洋楽もまんべんなく取り揃えられているのでたくさんの新しい音楽を聴きたい方にオススメです!


Apple Musicでは登録してから最初の1ヶ月間は無料でお試しができる無料トライアル期間が設けてあります。


As a salesperson, please pitch me this service.

Do you or anyone you know have a streaming music subscription?

In the world, how many people are signed up to a streaming music subscription?



Apple Music offers more than 90 million songs, with a wide selection of both Japanese and Western music, making it the ideal choice for those who want to listen to the latest hits!

If you are using an iPhone, iPad, or Mac, you can easily sync songs between devices on the cloud without the need for wires, making it extremely user-friendly.

Apple Music offers a free 1 month trial period.

After the free trial period, your subscription will be automatically renewed, and you will be charged 1,080 yen per month (for individual plans).


Do you want to sign up for Apple Music?

Who would this service be good for?


How do you think music artists feel about music streaming services?

Q: How many songs does an artist need to sell on itunes per month to earn as much as a McDonalds restaurant worker?

Q: How many times does a song need to be streamed on Spotify to earn as much as a Mcdonalds restaurant worker?


  • sell 12,399 songs a month on itunes

  • the song must be streamed 4,053,110 times on spotify


Liz Truss vs the Lettuce


The policies of Liz Truss