How the Ukraine war will affect industries


Russia exports the most wheat in the world. Ukraine is the 5th largest wheat exporter

Why will Ukraine produce less wheat?

  • farmers -> soldier

  • farms

  • roads

Russia destroyed and mined the sea around Ukraine’s ports. Even if they grew more food, they can’t export it easily


What foods will become more expensive?

  • Soy Sauce

  • Sausages

  • Beer

  • Chocolate bars

  • Bread

  • Muffins

  • Pasta

  • Cookies

Russia’s wheat supplies have not been affected but why aren’t companies buying wheat from them anymore?

  • Food isn’t on the sanctions list but food companies worry about future sanctions or the negative image in the media.

  • Banks also don’t want to lend money or assist in these transactions




Russia produces a large amount of fertilizer and lots of fuel is needed to produce it.

Russia is now refusing to sell fertilizer to countries that criticise their actions in Ukraine.

Fertilizer prices are skyrocketing. Should farmers use less fertilizer or raise food prices?

This will affect the cost of ALL FOOD grown globally



Russia provides rare metals (Palladium) and Ukraine provides rare gases (Neon, Helium) used to manufacture microchips

What products need microchips?

  • smartphones

  • medical devices

  • automobiles

  • PC’s, tablets



Please explain this graph:

How will airline revenues be affected by the war in 2022?

  • Russian airspace

  • Fuel costs

Do you think the higher fuel prices will be good or bad for LCC’s?

Russian Tourists were major revenue sources for Thailand and Vietnam.

  • Vietnam shares a communist history with Russia

  • In January 2022, 18% of all tourists to Thailand were Russian

  • Russian tourists spend 25% more than the average tourist

Do you think the governments will ban Russian visitors?

If they don’t, will Russians still visit these countries?



Social Media companies

Usually facebook has a rule that bans death threats to people. Facebook decided to allow Ukranians to post threats to Russian soldiers

What do you think of Facebook’s decision?

Do you think Facebook will allow death threats to Putin?

  • Russia has blocked companies like twitter, facebook and instagram for the “fake news” they allow on the site.

  • Russia won’t allow people to threaten world leaders

Russia’s instagrammers are very upset after spending years building their followings on the site.

Do you think Russia will unblock the sites after the war?

Tik Tok is a Chinese company. Do you think they’ve been banned?

TikTok no longer allows videos to be uploaded from Russia but Russians can still watch limited videos on the app. Almost all videos from outside the country are blocked in Russia.


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