CES 2023

CES (Consumer Electronics Show) is the most influential electronics convention in the world.

Companies showcase their latest products or concepts.

It’s held in January in Las Vegas every year before it travels to different countries


1) Can you describe the product?

2) Do you think it will be successful?



Aska A5 - $789,000

  • It can drive on roads and fly

  • It can take off vertically

  • The plan is to have licensed pilots in 2026 and an autonomous version in 2030


Who is the target of this machine?

Can you think of any problems this may face?

  • flight approval

  • landing locations

It has a hyrbid motor so it can operate on electricity.

It has an emergency parachute in case there’s a problem



Dog E - $80

What are the features of this toy?

This is basically a 3D tamagotchi. You must train it, play with it and give it water and food.

  • It can sense and react to your touch

  • The tail shows messages

  • The ears can hear your audio commands

  • each toy has a unique light combination and appearance

  • You can make multiple profiles in each toy so each family member can have their own customized personality


Equinox 2 - $2,500

It comes with a free backpack!

Please describe the features based on the commercial


This smart telescope can connect to your ipad or phone and digitally remove air pollution so it’s perfect for people living in cities.

You can also “search” for stars, planets or galaxies and the telescope will automatically locate it

Do you think this will be popular?

I notice their website and commercials don’t show many high quality images it can take…



Nuwa Pen - $280

available from August 2023

pre-order price: $180

  • The pen can write on any paper

  • It can digitize your notes and pictures

  • For $3 a month you can change notes to text. Then you can search your notes for keywords

  • 2 hour battery life then it needs a 15 minute charge

Would you like to buy this? Would you like your English teachers to use it?



Hasbro Selfie Toys - $60

What’s special about these toys?

How do you think these are made?

I want one but they’re only available in the U.S.



LG Moodup Fridge - price unknown

  • 1,800 different color combinations

  • You can select moods like “healing,” “season” or “party.”

  • Has wifi and speakers so it can play music. The panels can match the music beat.

  • The lights can be turned off to be a normal grey

  • It’s eco-friendly! Just knock twice on the door to see inside without opening the door and letting out cold air

  • It will be released in March 2023.


Do you want to buy this?



Lancome Hapta - $199

These women have limited motor functions due to illness or disease

Lancome developed this device to help them put on their make up without help

How do you think it helps them?

The downside is it still needs someone to help you open the lipstick









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