What do you know about Norway?
Norway is often in the top 5 in the “happiest countries on earth” list. Norwegians believe one of the reasons they are so happy is friluftsliv “Free-Loofs-Leaf”, which means “spend time in nature.”
77% of Norwegians spend time outdoors every week
25% spend time outdoors most days.
How often do you spend time outdoors? What do you do?
What kind of activities do they do?
Would you like to do any of these activities more regularly?
Have you been camping before?
If I want to go camping with my family, what equipment will I need to buy?
In Norway cycling and hiking are popular first date activities.
Do you think it’s a good plan for a first date?
If not, what would you rather do instead?
In Scandinavia, many companies block off 90 minutes of employees’ schedule for them to exercise (if they want to). Does your company do anything to encourage employees to exercise?
Graphiq, a design agency based in Oslo has regular outdoor meetings in a nearby park.
Would you enjoy having outdoor meetings?
Recently it’s become popular to visit the island of Svalbard. It’s 800 km north of Norway and officially the most Northern Town in the world. It’s population is around 2,500 people.
Why do you think people want to visit here?
It’s popular for…
the beautiful views of mountains and icebergs
the local reindeer
the aurora. In the winter, when there is no sunrise, the aurora lasts all day.
There is a law in this town that anyone who leaves the town must carry a gun.
Why do you think people need guns?
There are more polar bears than humans on these islands.
You can go on polar bear tours to watch them in the wild
Would you like to visit Svalbard?