Economic impact of the World Cup


1) (noun) the sharp metal part on a boot that makes a horse go faster
2) (verb) stimulate, make something go faster or try harder


(noun) a large amount of money that is won or gotten unexpectedly

What does this headline mean? - “In other words…”

Due to the world cup, what will people be doing to spur the economy?

CocaCola, sports stores, Pizza Hut all had much higher sales.

The Hub’s sales rose by 15% after Japan reached the next round.

What is Abema TV?

  1. 24 hour news channel

  2. live betting

  3. free streaming TV

  4. has original shows

  5. premium paid functions

They won the rights to show all the world cup matches online. The service is free and most experts think they will make a loss.
Why did they decide to buy the rights?
Do you think it’s a good idea for their business?

The number hasn’t been released but analysts predict Abema paid around ¥20 billion for the world cup rights.


Some economists believe that winning the world cup can boost your economy (by 0.25% on average).

Why do you think that happens?

A recent study found that EXPORTS also increase for a few months after a country wins.

Why are people more likely to buy Argentinian goods now?

Do you know anything we can buy from Argentina?

meat, wine, cereals, vehicles, chocolate




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