Cool and Crazy gadgets from CES 2021


This year CES (the Consumer Electronics show) was held virtually in January. I’ve chosen some interesting gadgets to share with you.

Q: Who is the target?

Q: Will these be popular?


JBuds Frames - $50

  • 8 hours battery life

  • mini speakers that connect to your glasses / sunglass frames



Cove headband - $490

  • This will reduce your stress and improve your sleep by using gentle vibrations to stimulate parts of your brain

  • they recommend using the headband for 20 minutes a day

  • Research shows that using Cove daily for one month can reduce stress levels by 41% and improve sleep quality by 50%



Protocol 223

The French company, Bigger Inside, is developing an AR Laser tag

  • A 20 minute game is 2600 yen

  • You see the AR world in your headset

  • Sensors in your suit control your character when you move

  • If you get hit, the area vibrates

  • 4 vs 4.

  • 3 game modes

France has about 300 laser tag centres
The US has about 2000



Pet Portal


What is this product?


What features does it have?

  • 2 cameras are built into the door

  • Videos are stored online

  • Pet portal can automatically open or when the owner chooses

  • microphone and speaker are in the collar - owners can talk to their dogs through their phone



Q: What do you think this is?


Hairmax - $799

  • Uses lasers to stimulate hair growth on the scalp

  • Recommendation: Use for 10 minutes, 3 times a week

  • Usually Results are noticeable after 6 months



laser tag:


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