Tips on how to work effectively from home

1. Start work early, even before you have breakfast

2. Pretend you’re going to the office. Complete your morning routine

3. Choose a dedicated work space

4. Don’t stay at home - go to a cafe or library with wi-fi.

5. Avoid social media

6. Write out a daily task list

7. Set more goals than you can handle for the day

8. Schedule phone calls for when you’re most awake

9. Use videoconferencing instead of phone calls when possible

10. Let your housemates know your rules while you’re working

11. Take effective breaks

12. Prepare or plan meals the night before

13. Pick a clear finishing time each day

Original article:


  1. To avoid having a long breakfast and coffee which may slow you down

  2. Get changed, get or make coffee. It will separate the personal and professional time

  3. This is your work zone

  4. The background noise creates an office atmosphere. You won’t just look at facebook if people can see you

  5. log out of your apps

  6. it’s important to know your plan for the day

  7. You’ll push yourself to work faster and move on to the next task sooner

  8. Some people aren’t fully awake until after 10am. Some people get sleepy after lunch

  9. It creates a better working relationship

  10. “I’ll be having a meeting from 10:30 to 11.” “Can you not wash dishes for 20 minutes?” “Can you boil water in another room?” “You can’t play in this room. Daddy’s working here.”

  11. Don’t just watch youtube. Leave your work space. Go for a walk. Talk to people in the house

  12. To avoid wasting time cooking or deciding

  13. Set an alarm. People who work at home often lose track of time.


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