Ways to spot a narcissist on social media

  1. Type of clothes

  2. Amount of make up, jewelry on women.
    Facial hair on men

  3. Men posting selfies

  4. How often they update their status

  5. Status update topics - diet, exercise, achievements

  6. Do they get fewer or more “likes” from their friends?”

  7. What type of eyebrows do they have?

Source: nastya_gepp/pixabay

Source: nastya_gepp/pixabay

  1. Narcissists were more gorgeous and flashier clothes

  2. Women wear more make up and jewelry. Men style their facial hair

  3. Men post selfies more often and spend time editing their photos. Posting selfies isn’t a sign of narcism among women

  4. Narcissists update their status more often

  5. Narcissists update their status to show their accomplishments (awards, exercise, diet, weight loss)

  6. They tend to get fewer “likes” because their friends realize they’re a narcissist

  7. Research has shown that narcissists have eye brows that stand out more (often they’re thicker, darker and denser). The researchers won an Ig Nobel prize for their study

source: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-modern-heart/201906/10-surprising-ways-spot-narcissist-social-media


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